2010/09/30 頻尿及夜尿(膀胱過動症,間質性膀胱炎)排尿障礙

膀胱疼痛症候群/間質性膀胱炎 - 許鈞碩醫師


Bladder Pain Syndrome International Consultation on Incontinence



       ICSBladder Pain Syndrome的國際諮詢委員會被賦予重新review膀胱疼痛症候群(Bladder Pain Syndrome),以前被稱為間質性膀胱炎(Interstitial Cystitis),用更詳細的方法來回顧此症候群。這篇文章包括下列標題:定義、命名、分類、流行病學、病因學、病理、診斷、症狀量表、結果評價,處理原則、特殊的治療和未來的研究方向。



       主要是強調自4年前的會議至今的最新發展,而Evidencerecommend dation都是根據oxford systom的分類。

       方法由Pubmed datnbase搜尋”Interstitial Cystitis”” Painful Bladder Syndrome”” Bladder Pain Syndrome(BPS)” ”Chronic Interstitial Cystitis”。自20041月至20085月,512paper被發表,主要針對clinicul trialRCTmeta-analysisscitific guideliecore clinical journals。而Evidence的分級levelgrade of recommen dation是根據Oxford Scale




ICS的國際科學諮詢委員會(scientific committee of the Internatial Consultation)投票決定使用Bladder pain syndrome來取代Interstitial cystitis。因為IC interstitial cystitis 指的是膀胱壁的發炎,並不能精確的描述這群病人的症狀。所以ICS 2002年之後term改用painful bladder syndrome,指當膀胱漲尿時,會有suprapubic pain。但是painful bladder syndrome 對這群病人仍太過嚴格,(2006Warren et al. 發現只有66%PBS/interstitial cystitis的病人適用於ICS的定義)。所以決定採用bladder pain syndrome ( BPS)命名較合適。

Bladder pain syndrome 是一種臨床診斷。定義為chronic pelvic pain (> 6 months), pressure or discomfort的感覺和膀胱有關同時必須伴隨一種其他的解尿症狀如急尿或頻尿。


4. 處理原則

(1)初步病史評估:如果病人有膀胱位置的疼痛、壓痛及不舒服而且有下泌尿道症狀大於6週同時沒有UTI及其他病因,則可以做BPS的初步評估,包括frequency/volume chartPE U/Aurine culture。如果臨床需要Cytology和膀胱竟可以考慮做。




可以做neuromodulationintravesical Botulinum toxin,最後才用Augmentation cystoplastyurinary diversion




Bladder Pain Syndrome International Consultation on Incontinence



Aims of Study: The Bladder Pain Syndrome Committee of the International Consultation on Incontinence was assigned the task by the consultation of reviewing the syndrome, formerly known as interstitial cystitis, in a comprehensive fashion. This included the topics of definition, nomenclature, taxonomy, epidemiology, etiology,pathology, diagnosis, symptom scales, outcome assessment, principles of management, specific therapies, and future directions in research. Study Design, Materials, Methods: The emphasis was on new information developed

since the last consultation 4 years previously. Where possible, existing evidence was assessed and a level of recommendation was developed according to the Oxford system of classification. Results: The consultation decided to refer to the condition as ‘‘bladder pain syndrome’’ (BPS) because the designation is more descriptive of the clinical condition and better fits standard classification taxonomy. Reasonable definitions of BPS include the definition of the ESSIC European group and a slight modification made at a SUFU sponsored Miami meeting in early 2008. Males or females with pain, pressure, or discomfort that they perceive to be related to the bladder with at least one urinary symptom, such as frequency not obviously related to high fluid intake, or a persistent urge to void should be evaluated for possible BPS. The initial assessment consists of a frequency/volume chart, focused physical examination, urinalysis, and urine culture. Urine cytology and cystoscopy are recommended if clinically indicated. Treatment progresses from conservative management through various oral and intravesical therapies, with most surgical therapies reserved for unresponsive cases. Pain management is critical throughout the treatment process. The consultation believes that the disorder is best viewed as one of a group of chronic pain syndromes, rather than as primarily an inflammatory bladder disorder. Recommendations for future research pathways are suggested. Neurourol. Urodynam. 29:191–198, 2010.

大林慈濟醫院婦產科 許鈞碩醫師